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Frequently Asked Questions


On this Page:

  1. Why Give?                         

  2. Generosity Platform         

  3. Accountability                   

  4. Giving Management         

  5. Mobile App                       

  6. Step-by-Step Instructions

  7. Submit a Question           


Why Give?


Why is giving important?

A: “Each person should do as he has decided in his heart -- not reluctantly or out of compulsion since God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work. “ 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (CSB)


What is the mission or cause I am giving toward?

A: Your giving helps us at Twin Oaks to carry out its mission to spreading the gospel, building families, and caring for those in need. Some of these areas would include our community outreach, children’s ministries, Christian education, and caring ministries.



Online Giving​​

What is online giving Generosity by LifeWay?

A: Generosity by LifeWay offers a 2-in-1 platform providing an omni-channel giving experience that includes online and app giving opportunities. In addition to this, they provide coaching and training modules for church leaders to disciple the membership in the topic of biblical generosity.


What is iDonate?

A: iDonate is the company who created and powers the multichannel giving platform offered by Generosity by LifeWay. iDonate acts as technical support to the Generosity by LifeWay brand.   




What is the current financial position of the church?

A: Twin Oaks Church believes in transparency and responsible stewardship of God’s resources. At a business meeting held on the second Wednesday of each month, the budget is printed and shared for members and church attendees.


Giving Management


How do I get started?

A: Twin Oaks has provided multiple channels for you to give. We want to make your giving experience as easy and convenient as possible. You have the choice to give by simply visiting our website under the "Giving" title on the homepage, or downloading the giving app (Generosity by Lifeway). Upon your first attempt to give, you will be asked to provide your name, billing address, and payment information. After the first time this information will auto save within the embed, making all future donations quick and easy.


How can I locate the church giving page on the website?

A: When on the TOBC home page you will find a “Giving” tab in the heading bar. Click on the heading and follow the instructions.


What giving options do I have?

A: You are able to give by eCheck online and on the app or by check or cash during the service.


Can I make a one time gift?

A: On the giving page, it will ask how often you would like to donate, simply choose “One-time” as your frequency and proceed with your gift.


Can I setup a recurring gift?

A: On the giving page, it will ask how often you would like to give. Simply choose “Weekly”, “Monthly”, “Quarterly”, “Semi-Annually”, or “Annually” as the frequency in which you would like to give and proceed with your donation. This donation will recur based on the option you choose.



How do I update my giving information for recurring gifts?

A: Login to your Generosity by LifeWay account to manage your giving options. 



How can I cancel my recurring gifts?

A: The platform administrator can cancel your recurring gift.


Can I designate my offerings?

A: On some of our church’s giving pages we will have a designation field where you can choose the specific designation you would like your donation to go to via a drop down menu. Select the desired designation and proceed with giving. Note, some giving pages may focus on a certain ministry and/or goal in which there will be a sole preselected designation. You may want to refer back to the main giving page on our site to choose your desired designation.


Donor Self-Service

How do I get my personal giving record to check for accuracy and tax preparation?

A: On by donation>payment info click “Login” and sign in to your account to see transaction history. Please contact for a printed record.


Generosity by LifeWay App


Where can I download the church giving app?

A: The Generosity by LifeWay app is a free application that can be accessed and downloaded on your mobile device app store. The app is compatible for iOS and Android users.


What features are on the giving app?

A: You will have access to give to all churches utilizing the platform. Simply search the name of our church and select it to give. You will have a profile with your stored information and record of gifts.


What if I can’t remember my username or password for the app?

A: Select the prompt that says “Forgot password?”, then enter your e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail from iDonate with a verification code. Go back into the app and enter the verification. This will allow you to change your password. Your username should be your e-mail address.



What kind of financial accountability does the church practice?

A: All online personal information is encrypted and not able to be seen by church staff or the public. All giving is kept confidential and accessible only to our treasury personnel.


Is my information going to be safe? Is my personal information stored?

A: All of your payment transactions, account information, go through Spreedly. Spreedly will encrypt all of your numerical information. Your credit card information is very secure and cannot be viewed by the public, our church staff, nor by Generosi­ty by LifeWay. Our church is covered by Anovia Breach Protection and insured up to $150,000.


Technical Issues

Who do I contact if I have a question?

A: Always reach out to the church administration first.  If there is a technical issue beyond our control, we will reach out to the Generosity by LifeWay team for additional technical support.


Step-by-Step Instructions


Online Cash Giving Instructions:

  1. Visit our church’s website at

  2. Fill out the form by simply putting in the amount you want to give, choosing frequency, and designation.

  3. Click the “Give Now” button.

  4. First time visitors to the giving tool will need to fill out a short form that includes entering their name and address. The next time you use the online giving tool your information will be saved in the form using your browser’s cookies.

  5. Put in your checking account information and click “Give”.

  6. Don’t forget to print out your receipt! Thank you so much for giving!


Designation Giving Instructions:

  1. Go to the giving embed and click the box that reads “Choose Your Designation”.

  2. Select the designation from a drop-down menu.

  3. Complete your gift. Simple!


Bank Draft Setup Instructions:

  1. If you have setup your gift to be recurring, then the gift will automatically be drafted from the checking account of your choice.

  2. Upon completing your first gift, you will receive a “Thank You” message from your church with a “Get Started” button at the bottom. Clicking this button will allow you to set up an account within Generosity by LifeWay.

  3. With an account setup, you will be able to access your donations online anytime quickly and easily. This will also help you to keep track of your previous donations and simplify your future giving. It only takes a minute. No additional information will be required.


App Giving Instructions

First-Time Users:

  1. Download the Generosity by LifeWay App.

  2. Open the App and select “Get Started”.

  3. Find your church. You can simply type in the church’s name to the search bar and a list of organizations will appear.

  4. Search "Twin Oaks Baptist Church" (It will list the church with "Ferrum, Va" below our name.)

  5. Create an account by using either Facebook, Google, or e-mail.

  6. After you create an account, you will receive an email with a verification code. Put in the verification code and select continue.

  7. Fill out your payment information.

  8. Once your profile is complete, select the “Give Now” button next to your church’s name.

  9. Enter the amount that you would like to give and then select the blue “Give” button. From here you’ll be taken to a confirmation page.


Returning Users:

  1. Open the Generosity by LifeWay App and select your church.

  2. Sign in using the username and password you created.

  3. Once signed in, you will enter your payment information (for security reasons, your credit card number is not stored in the system).

  4. Select the “Give Now” button next to your church’s name and proceed to make a gift.


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Thanks for submitting!

Sunday Morning Worship : 10:00 AM

Wednesday Bible Study    :  6:00 PM

Radio: 91.9 FM

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